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At AAC&U we know that one project leads to another.  It is a fine tradition.


This eportfolio connects the AAC&U Quality Collaboratives project (2011-2014) to the Faculty Collaboratives project, which opened in 2014. We could not have imagined the faculty project without the earlier work we did in the QC project.  Both projects worked with the Degree Qualifications Profile, with LEAP, and with state-based teams, from the LEAP States.


You will find a section indexed to the left on the Quality Collaboratives project.


What follows are seminar materials that any campus leader can use.  The Parkside Waukesha and Virginia Commonwealth materials were created by faculty and academic leaders in the QC project--to help all faculty, all educators, make sense of the DQP and LEAP.  A webinar produced for the project in 2015 follows.


Then we bring in materials from the Faculty Collaboratives project aacu.org/faculty The Assignments and Signature Work interactive workshop was an online event using Zoom, recorded June 13, 2016 and published both here and in YouTube.


With thanks to Lumina Foundation for supporting both projects.



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January 2016



Here's the context of the Faculty Collaboratives project: DQP and Tuning are two proficiency initiatives that the Faculty Collaboratives project is exploring.


They are also the two that are raising the most critical and probing questions from colleagues.


In this eportfolio, we will post resources from the Quality Collaboratives project that contribute to our exploration and, we hope, help the broader community of educators who want to explore DQP and Tuning in both the United States and around the world.



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