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TUNING USA: Resources on the Web


Contributed by Daniel McInerney, Utah State University


Some of the material below formerly appeared on the “Tuning USA” website. That link has now been transferred to the website for the DQP, the Degree Qualifications Profile. The two projects closely converge with one another.


Tuning’s question: What should students know, understand, and be able to do


                                            when they complete a major?


DQP’s question:      What should students know, understand, and be able to do


                                         when they complete a degree?



Faculty who are familiar with the former question (from their deep understanding of their own discipline) are often very comfortable and adept at addressing the larger question of how programs of study fit together into associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees.)



A Brief History of Tuning is available at the link below: 






 Other Valuable Links:


The Global Tuning Project


“The Tuning Academy” – best single site for a wealth of global Tuning information




Tuning in the European Union:




Tuning Latin America:


            http://tuning.unideusto.org/tuningal/index.php?d=0&option=content&task=view&id=168            &Itemid=196&lang=en


Tuning Russia:




Tuning Africa:




Tuning China:




Tuning Central Asia:




Tuning Japan:  






Tuning: from the European Union to the U.S.:


The Bologna Process for U.S. Eyes   The Bologna Process for U.S. Eyes: Re-learning Higher Education in the Age of Convergence, Clifford Adelman, Senior Associate Institute for Higher Education Policy, April 2009


 Articles and presentations on Tuning:



 Tuning and its links to the DQP, presentation by Tim Birtwistle


Download the PowerPoint Presentation



Tuning projects in U.S. disciplinary societies:


Tuning in the American Historical Association:




    Resources:  http://www.historians.org/teaching-and-learning/current-     projects/tuning/tuning-resources


Tuning Project in the National Communications Association:





 Reports from Tuning USA Projects in states and regions:



 Tuning Newsletters:


 Posted: Friday, June 22, 2012


 Posted: Tuesday, January 17, 2012


News articles:

Booklet, Utah news article, links to other projects around the world:


Additional information relating Tuning to the DQP (Degree Qualifications Profile)




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